
Practically everyone remembers from high school that words ending in “ology” have to do with the study of something, joined to some Greek or Latin root word that specifies the subject. Biology is the study of “bios” or life, 例如, 动物学是一门学问, 不是动物园, 而是“zoion”,” having to do with animals (however, the word “zoo” is definitely related, because a zoo is a collection of animals). But we don’t call the medical specialty having to do with the care of persons with cancer “cancerology.” Instead, we use the less-obvious term “oncology.” The Greek word “onkos” means a tumor, 质量, 肿胀, 或卷, and many types of cancer (but not all) produce just such an abnormal tumor or 质量.

So where does the word “cancer” come from? 希波克拉底, 他宣读了那著名的誓言, the ancient Greek physician widely considered “the father of medicine,” described the appearance of malignant tumors using the word “karkinos,,意思是“螃蟹”,” because the leg-like projections exhibited by locally advanced tumors reminded him of the shape of the crustacean; we get the related term “carcinoma” from this. A later Roman physician named Celsus applied the term “cancer” to the disease because this is the Latin word for a crab. 碰巧的是, 有一个星群, the pattern of which has also reminded some of the outline of a crab. And thus the same Latin word designates both a dread disease and an astrological sign of the zodiac.

Within the broad discipline of oncology there are subtypes based primarily upon the particular method of treatment used. A surgical oncologist treats someone with cancer using surgical techniques. A radiation oncologist employs various forms of radiation, or high-intensity energy. A medical oncologist works with an ever-growing array of drugs, 单独使用或组合使用, 为了对抗疾病. Many persons undergoing treatment for cancer will work with one, 两个, or all three specialists as well as other ancillary (supporting or assisting) care providers.

肿瘤学 is a collaborative specialty. There is a close working relationship with physicians and providers who practice pulmonology (lung diseases), gastroenterology (digestive system diseases), radiology (scans and other imaging or “looking” techniques), pathology (examination and diagnosis of samples removed from the body), gynecology (diseases of the female reproductive organs), and urology (surgical approaches to diseases of the urinary tract and male reproductive organs), 等. Of course, the primary health care provider is an integral member of the total cancer care team.

成为一名肿瘤学家, a physician receives training in a dedicated residency or post-graduate fellowship program lasting several years. A medical oncologist will take at least 两个 additional years of specialty training beyond a completed residency in internal medicine or pediatrics; many will study for three years to qualify as a hematologist as well, but that’s the subject of another blog entry.
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Chinnababu sunkavalli博士

HI thank you for giving this information about oncology


The way you said is very good, explained about oncology very well I appreciate you


I appreciate you informing us that a surgical oncologist uses surgical techniques to treat cancer while a radiation oncologist utilizes various forms of radiation or high-intensity energy. My sister is studying pharmacy in college, and it seems like they are working on cancer research next. I'll be sure to keep this in mind while I look for a cancer treatment center in Alaska that my sister can visit for research soon. http://www.alaskaoncology.com

